It will be necessary to precis on a fairly grand scale, even within this small geographical area, and to handle the century in chunks. Life exploded in all sorts of directions in the Nineteenth Century and it is impossible to cover it in one post. Much of this was built on work that took place in the 1700s, which was a period of invention and scientific innovation in Great Britain. The experiments and discoveries were built on and invested in, and the ideas produced by a few remarkable brains were built upon by many others, running with new knowledge and taking the world into a new era.
In 1800 the world’s population reached 880 million and London was Europe ’s largest city with a population of 864,000. Rotherhithe itself in the centre rather than at the edge of water-based industry. This growth was set against a background of continuing political and military unrest in the UK and in Europe, in which Britain had an active role: the legalization of trade unions in 1824, the Reform Acts, trade union activity, the succession of Queen Victoria to the throne, the Napoleonic wars of 1803-1815, the Peninsular War of 1818-14, and at the end of the Nineteenth Century the Crimean War (1854-56) and the Indian Mutiny (1857). Between the 1830s towards the end of the Century, the successes already achieved by existing docks and ship building enterprises saw building all along the Thames, extending out to Milwall and Tilbury.
Trying to gain a snapshot of the place at any one time is truly difficult. Even when the Surrey Commercial Docks was at its height in the late 1800s and the 1900s and peopled by numerous long-term workers, there were many complaints that the place was almost impossible to navigate on the ground. Hindsight should make matters easier but doesn't seem to be doing the trick, somehow!
With so much work becoming available here, the residential area expanded, housing increasing numbers of families. Shortages of land meant that residential areas eventually became dense and often deteriorated into squalor.
So much of Rotherhithe has been demolished and replaced with new housing and associated shopping and other services that there are only a few places left to see in the flesh - the rest has to be pulled together from original documents and later research.
And I thought that the wild flowers were complicated :-) If anyone has any corrections to make please do feel free - but I promise that I am researching this period most carefully from good quality secondary resources with the aid of original maps, archive newspaper articles and prints.
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