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If anything, this is an even more interesting will, providing more family information and providing a real insight into the furnishings of a wealthy house in the late 16th and early 17th century.
She was fit and well when she wrote her will, unlike her husband who wrote his not long before he died. Whereas Edward spelled the name of their son "Olive," Magdalen spells it "Olave." It is possible that one or other of them had Swedish connections and chose to name their son in honour of that connection, or that he was named in honour of St Olave. Whatever the origins of his name, he grew up to become a Warder of the Tower of London.
Magdalen appears to have been a very wealthy widow, leaving to her son "the sume of one hundred and Threescore Pounds of lawfull money of England" as well as a truly staggering collection of silver, pewter, brass, Irish and Turkish carpets, Spanish leather cushions, vast quantities of linen, items of furniture, items of velvet and silk, a feather bed, a chamber pot inscribed with his name and much, much more. It is almost impossible to take in the full sum and variety of the largesse. It is, however, something of a mystery as to what he was going to do with her second-best hat!
To her married daughter Anne she is also generous, providing her with " the somme of one hundred and Threescore Poundes of lawfull money of England" but none of the array of items bequeathed to her son.Comparatively small provisions are made for Olave's and Anne's children to be given to them at their parents' discretion or after their 20th birthdays.
It is clear that she retained either affection for or links with Rotherhithe because one of the minor gifts in her will reads: "I bequeath to every poore widdow in Reddrith Twelve pence the peece and Tenn shillings to be bestowed and given to the poore of Reddrith in bread the day of my buriall and other Tenn shillings in bread in like manner that day Twelve monthes after." She also left money to Trinity House in Deptford established by Henry VIII in 1514 and responsible for the superintendence of pilotage in the Thames, river conservation, numerous other maritime issues and the maintenance of almshouses. She also made various provisions for the poor of Southwark..
It is clear that she retained either affection for or links with Rotherhithe because one of the minor gifts in her will reads: "I bequeath to every poore widdow in Reddrith Twelve pence the peece and Tenn shillings to be bestowed and given to the poore of Reddrith in bread the day of my buriall and other Tenn shillings in bread in like manner that day Twelve monthes after." She also left money to Trinity House in Deptford established by Henry VIII in 1514 and responsible for the superintendence of pilotage in the Thames, river conservation, numerous other maritime issues and the maintenance of almshouses. She also made various provisions for the poor of Southwark..
The rest of the will is extremely convoluted and difficult to follow, but the codicil is interesting, because in it there seems to be some concern in her mind that there will be dispute amongst her children following her death, and some danger of there being a contestation of the will.
As with the will of Edward Maister, I have split Magdalen's will into paragraphs, where possible, to make it more digestible, but it was difficult to break it down very much.
Will of Magdalen Maisters of Southwark, widow. Written 1609, codicil added 1614, further non-cupative codicil added 1614, proved 1614.
In the name of God Amen The ninth day of december1609 And in the yeare of the Raigne of our soveraigne Lord James by the grace of God of England France and Ireland kinge defender of the faith &c the SeaventhAnd of Scotland the three and Fortith I Magdalen Maister of the parysh of St Saviour in Southwark in the Countie of Surrey widdow beinge at this p[rese]nte tyme in p[er]fecte health of my body and in good memory the Lordes name be praysed therefore doe make and ordeyne this my p[rese]nte Testament and last Will in wrightinge in manner and forme hereafter ensuinge,First I Comend my soule into the hands of Allmightie God Creator of me and of the whole world and unto my Lord and SaviourJesus Christ Redeemer of me and all mankind and unto the holy Ghoste my comforter and sanctifier assuredly trusting and stedfastly believinge That by the merritts death and passion of my Savior Jesus Christe my synnes are hereby remitted and pardoned and the mercy andlove of God surely obteyned and purchased for me is that after the dissolucon of this mortall lief my soul shall enter into have and enjoy life eternall in the kingdom of heaven, my body I Comitt to the earth whereof it is framed to be buried in Christian buriall at the discretion and direction of myne Executors hereafter named, and as touchinge the ordering distributinge and disposing of such goods and Cattalls as by the goodnes of God I shall have at the tyme of my decease my will and mynde is that of the same all such debts and sumes of money asI shall then owe or stand duly charged to pay shalbe truly paid by myne executors w[i]thinreasonable tyme after my decease, And that my funerall shalbe decently and orderly p[er]formed my debts being paid and my funeral expenses discharged, I give bequeath and dispose the reasidue of my said goods and cattalls in manner and forme followinge that is to say,
Southwark Cathedral in 1616, two years
after the death of Magdalen MaisterFirst I give and bequeath unto my Olave Maister at this p[rese]nte of one his Ma[jes]t[ie]s yeoman Warders of the Tower of London the sume of one hundred and Threescore Pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid unto him w[i]thin the space of sixe moneths next aftermy decease, Also I give and bequeath unto the said Olave my sonne my best Salte of silver all guilte one Tanckard of silver all guilte one bowle of silver p[ar]cell guilte and sixe of my best silver spoones p[ar]cell guilte and one French Cheste of wallnuttree standinge in the now dwellinghouse of my sonne Roger Cole Also one Turkey carpett belonging to my square table hereafter geven him and one Irishe Rugge Chequered one Loomeworke Carpett wroughte w[i]th flowers. Alsoe I give and bequeath unto the said Olave my sonne one Flaxen Tablecloth stitched and half a dozen of napkins wrought w[i]th Esses Also A small Table of Wainscott w[i]th A Cupboard to it Allso the greate Andirons of Iron and brasse w[i]th the fire shovell and tonges belonginge to the same, More I geve to the said Olave my sonne two paire of flaxen sheetes and two paire of flaxen sheets more w[i]th overcaste seames and sixe paire of french Canvas sheetes my beste dray table cloth and One flaxen table cloth and one shorte tablecloth to lay on a round table one of the table Clothes peeced throughout one longe washinge Towell fringed at both endes A Cupboard Cloth and a towell wrought w[i]th blew nedleworke one dozen of napkins wrought w[i]th a small blew worke and one dozen of napkins milded with blew and stitched at the ends and one dozen of napkins wrought with white laid worke more two pillowbeares w[i]th laid worke seames and two pillowbeares with purled seames and two playne flaxen pillowbeares, more one new fetherbed w[i]th a bolster and two downe pillowes and one old Fetherbed one white blanquett w[i]th a liste and one red blanquett, Also A Carpett or Coverlidd of tapistry belon ging to the same bedd and one bedstedd of wainscott w[hi]ch standeth in the wardrobe Chamber of the nowe dwellinge house of my said sonne in lawe Roger w[i]th Curtens and Curten rodds belonginge to the same, more sixe Spanish leather quishons gilte and the moytie or half p[ar]te of all my spanish stone platters and dishes, Also I geve and bequeathe unto the said Olave my sonne my beste grograine gocone laide on w[i]th velvett lace and my redd petticote garded w[i]th Two gards of velvett Also a round kertle of russet silke w[i]th two gardes of velvett my silke grograine Aperne and one of my gathered lawne neckekerches and my seaconnd best hatt Also one greate Copper kettle and one of the lesser drippinge pannes of Iron Also two small paire of Cobirons one brasse Chasing dishe w[i]th a wreath of brasse to sett it uppon one brasse pott next to the best one brasse ladle w[i]th a woodden handle and a scommer of brasse w[i]th a brasen handle and two of my beste pewter Candlesticks three fine small drinkinge potts of pewter and one of my best pewter saltes w[i]th a pepper boxe More fower pewter Platters two pewter dishes two sawcers and A pye plate of pewter half a dozen of pewter pottingers one Chamber pott of pewter wherein his name is already m[ar]ked and A Close stoole w[i]th a panne of pewter thereunto belonginge and one latten Candlesticke w[hi]ch was was my fathers and mothers and also one Ringe of gold sett w[i]th A red stone and one of my best weddinge ringesAlso I give and bequeath unto my said sonne Olave Master the some of Twentie pounds of lawfull money of England w[hi]ch I will That he shall geve unto Mary Master his daughter at her daye of marriage or age of one and Twentie yeares w[hi]ch shall first happen if she shall so long live otherwise to kepe the same to his owne useAlso I geve and bequeath unto the said Olave Master my sonne one old Fetherbedd and twobolsters one paire of towe sheetes one table Cloth and the some of Twentie pounds of lawfull money of England The said some of Twentie pounds and p[ar]cells of houshold stuffe to be delivered and paid unto my said sonne w[i]thin the space of sixe monthes nexte after my deceaseAnd my will and mynde is that the said Olave my sonne shall geve and deliver all the same goods and houshold stuffe above mentioned and the said some of Twentie poundes last above menconed to Margarett his daughter at such tyme and when as he my said sonne shall thinke good to bestowe it uppon her, Also I geve and bequeath unto my sonne Olave Maister the some of Twentie Pounds of lawfull money of England And my will and mynde is that the said some of Twentie Pounds by theis p[rese]nts now last given and bequeathed unto the said Olave Maister shalbe delivered unto my said sonne Olave to the intent that he my said sonne Olave, maye deliver the said some of Twentie Poundes unto his daughter Magdalen Derby at such time and when as he shall thinke good to bestowe the same uppon her and not before,And my will and mynde is That if it shall happen that the said Olave my sonne shall dye or dep[ar]te this mortall lief before my decease or before the legacies in this my p[rese]nte Testament and last Will given and bequeathed unto the said Olave my sonne for himself and for his Children in this my p[rese]nte Testament and last Will shalbe due to be paid or delivered unto him accordinge to the devices limitacons and true construccons of this my p[rese]nte Testament and last Will That then all the same somes of money guifts legacies and bequests by me given and bequeathed unto the said Olave my sone for himself or for his Children shalbe geven paid and delivered unto the Executors or Administrators of the said Olave my sonne at the times herein lymitted and appointed for the payment thereof for the use benefitt and behouf of such Children of him the said Olave as shalbe then livinge to be amongeste them equally parted and devided, And that the Executors or Administrators of the said Olave my sonne shall have the benefitt of the use of such guifts and legacies as are to be paid to my said sonne herein given and lymitted duringe soe longe tyme and untill such Child or Children of my said sonne Olave w[hi]ch shalbe under age at the tyme of my decease shall attaine their severall age or ages of Twentie and one yeares or daye or dayes of marriage which shall first happen,Also I give and bequeath unto my lovinge daughter Ann Cole wief of Roger Cole of London gentleman the somme of one hundred and Threescore Poundes of lawfull money of England to be paid unto her w[i]thin the space of sixe monethes nexte after my decease,Alsoe I geve and bequeath unto Saraa Stokes als Cole daughter of the said Anne my daughter the some of Twentie Poundes of lawfull money of England to be paid unto to her on the day of her marriage or at her full age of Twentie and one yeares, w[hi]ch shall first happen, Also I geve and bequeath unto Elizabeth Cole daughter of the said Roger Cole and of my said daughter Anne the like some of Twentie Poundes of the like money to be likewise paid unto her on the day of her marriage or lawfull adge of Twentie and one yeares, Also I give and bequeath unto Suzan Cole daughter of the said Roger Cole and of my said daughter Anne the like some of Twentie Poundes of lawfull money of England to be paid unto her on the daye of her marriadge or at the accomplishment of her full adge of Twentie and one yeares w[hi]ch shall first happen, Also I geve and bequeath unto Catalina Cole daughter of the said Roger Cole and of my said daughter Ann the somme of Twentie Poundes of the like money to be in like manner paid unto her at the daye of her marriadge or att her full fadge of Twentie and one yeares w[hi]ch shall first happen, And my will and mynde is that the legacies before given and bequeathed unto the daughters of the said Roger Cole and of my said daughter Anne shalbe paid and delivered unto the said Roger Cole for the use of the said Children w[i]thin the space of sixe monethes nexte after my decease, And if it shall happen that the said Saraa Elizabeth Suzan or Catelina or any of them shall dye before the legacies to them severally given shalbe due to be paid accordinge to the tenor and true meaninge hereof, Then my will and mynd is the Survivor of them the said Sara Elizabeth Suzan and Catelina shall have and enioye the legacie of such of them as shall happen to dye amongeste them equally devided, And if they the said Sara Elizabeth Suzan and Catelina shall all happen to dye before their several dayes of marriadge or accomplishment of their severall adgs of Twentie and one yeares, Then my will and mynd is that the severall legacies to them severally in and by this my p[rese]nte Testament and last will bequeathed and given shall wholly remaine and be to the said Roger Cole and my said daughter Anne his wife,Also I give and bequeath unto the poore Sisters of the Trinitie house in Debtford the some of Twentie shillings of lawfull English money to be amongest them parted and devided, Also I geve and bequeath unto my lovinge friend John Partridge Scrivens the some of Fortie shillings of lawfull money of England to make him a Ringe, Also I will that myne Executors shall bestowe the some of Twentie Poundes of lawfull English money or more if nede require uppon morning apparell of good Cloth for them selves and their Children and for my said sonne Olave Maister and his wief and Children And uppon a banquett amongeste my neighbors on the day of my funeralls, And I give and bequeath the some of Twentie shillings to be distributed amongeste the poore in the Clink libertie in the parish of St Saviour in Southwark at the discretion of the said Roger Cole Also I bequeath to every poore widdow in Reddrith Twelve pence the peece and Tenn shillings to be bestowed and given to the poore of Reddrith in bread the day of my buriall and other Tenn shillings in bread in like manner that day Twelve monthes after,
James I "Unite" or
20 shilling piece
The reasidue of all and singular my goods Cattalls Chattells plate Jewells napery aparell and houshold stuffe in this my p[rese]nte testament and last will not given or bequeathed Ready money and debts excepted I wholly give and bequeath unto my said sonne in Lawe Roger Cole and unto my said daughter Anne his wief, And if it shall happen the said Roger Cole and my said daughter Anne to die before me the said Magdalen Maister, Then I will and my meaninge is that all such guifts legacies somes of money and goods whatsoever w[hi]ch are in this my p[rese]nte Testament and last will geven and bequeathed unto the said Roger Cole and Anne shalbe given parted and devided unto and amongeste the Children of my said daughter Anne above named and unto the Survivors of them rateably and equally p[ar]te and porcon like And that the same shalbe paid and delivered unto the executors or administrators of the said Roger and Anne or of the Survivors of them at such tyme and when as they or the Survivors of them shall attayne to their severall adge or adgs of Twentie and one yeares or dayes of marriage w[hi]ch shall first happen,
And my will and mynde is that the reasidue of all my debts and ready money w[i]th the increase thereof both before my decease And also w[hi]ch shall growe betwene the day of my decease and payment of my legacies w[hi]ch shalbe remayninge after my debts and legacies shalbe paid and my funerall expenses discharged w[i]th the probate of my will and after chardges belonginge to the same shalbe parted devided and distributed unto and betwene my said sonne Olave Maister and my said sonne and daughter Roger Cole and Anne All losses hapning my said debts and all chardgs w[hi]ch shalbee necessarily spente in suite of law of the recovery of my said debts or anie of them beinge also betwene them equally borne and susteyned, And I doe nominate make ordeyne and appoynte the said Roger Cole and Anne my daughter the full and whole a Executors of this my p[rese]nte Testament and last will desireinge them to see the same duly p[er]formed in all things as my trust is in them, And if they or either of them shall renounce or refute to take uppon them the Executorshipp and chardge of this my p[rese]nte Testament and last will Then my will and mynde is and I doe hereby nominate and appoint the said Olave Maister my sonne sole Executor of this my p[rese]nte Testament and last will,And I nominate and appoint the said John Partridge to be the Overseer in the p[er]formance of my said will desiringe him to ayde and assiste my said Executors to the uttermost of his power And I doe by their p[rese]nts revoke disable adnihillate and make voyd and frustrate all former wills heretofore by me made or devised, In witnes whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and seale the day and yeare firste above written. The marke of the said Magdalen Maister, Sealled and subscribed in the presence of John Partridge and Charles Browne his servannteOlleffe Master wittnes, Roger Cole, Anne Cole
A Codicill to be annexed to the laste will and Testament of me
Magdalen Master of St Saviours in Southwarke widdowe
Magdalen Master of St Saviours in Southwarke widdowe
Trinity House
Whereas I Magdalen Master have here before made my will in wrightinge bearinge date the Nynth daye of december 1609 remayninge in the handes and Custodie of Olave Master my sonne, now doubting leaste some ambiguitie may arise aboute the same, and beinge desirous to cutt of all occasions of Suites in law which may arise betwixte my Children about my estate after my death, doe by theise p[rese]nts publishe and declare that it is my will and mynde, That the said Olave my sonne shall live quietlie and peaceablie with my sonne Roger Cole and my daughter Anne his wife, and be contented with that Porcon that I have given to him and his Children in my will which is about the some of CCxxli, And my mynde is and I doe hereby Chardge my said sonne Olave that neither he nor any other by his meanes of assignement doe at any tyme hereafter trouble my sonne Roger Cole or my daughter Anne his wife in any Courte whatsoever nor call them nor either of them to any Accompte for any parte of the increase of my money howsoever, or for any benefitt which maye arise to him oute of the residue of my debts and readie money whereof the one moytie is menconed to be bequeathed unto him in my said will But shall stande unto the discrecon of my Executors touchinge his parte of the residue of all my debts and readie money unto whose good Consciences I wholiereferr the same, And further it is my will and meaninge that if my said sonne Olave or his assignes doe goe about and shall trouble, vex, moleste or sue my said sone Roger or my daughter Anne or either of them in any Courte whatsoever touchinge his parte of the residue of my saide debtes and money or increase thereof or any parte thereof, Then and in that case I doe by theise p[rese]nts utterlie revoake reclayme frustrate and make voyde all and singular the legacies guifts and bequests w[hi]ch in my said will I have given or bequeathed unto him or any of his Children, soe that neither he the said Olave nor any of his Children shall receave any benefitt by my said will any thinge therein conteyned to the contrarie notwithstandinge, In wittnes whereof I the said Magdalen Master being of perfecte mynde and memorie and uppon good Consideracons me hereunto moveinge have hereunto sett my hand and seale the Twelthe daye of November Anno Dm 1614 The marke of Magdalen Master, Signed sealed and delivered by the above named Magdalen Masters shee beinge in good and perfecte memory in the p[rese]nce of us Edward Griffin, Thomas Stockes The marke of Geo: Juby wittnes, Thomas Mason, And that these wordes vizt, (or his Assignes) were interlyned before thensealinge hereof , Teste me Thomas Mason Sor, Edward Griffin. MS That Magdalen Master widdowe did sigfnify unto her sonne Olave Master and her daughter Ann Cole That it was her will and meaninge the the some of Twentie shillings w[hi]ch she said in her will bequeathed unto the poore of the Trinity House shoulde come unto the poore of the libertie of the Clinke in St Saviours parish to be distributed amongst them at the discretion of her Executors, And also That it was her meaninge that only such poore widdowes as such dwell at Reddereth at the tyme of her death and were Inhabitants there whilest she lived at the same place and no other should have the legacy of xiid a peice given in her will, w[hi]ch words or the like in effect she spoke in the tyme of her last sicknes, and about two monethes before her death and alsoe at other tymes before in her last sicknes in the hearinge of severall wittnesses.
Probatum fuit Testamentum superscriptum unarum duobus Codicillis apud London coram venerabili viro Magro Johanne Hone legum doctore Surrogate venerabilis viri domini Johannis Benet militis legum etiam Doctoris Curie Prerogative Canturarensis Magri Custodis sine Comissary legitime constituti decimo octavo die mensis January Anno Domini iuxta cursinn et Computatorem Ecclie Anglicane millesimo sexcentessimo decimo quarto Juramento Rogeri Cole et Anne eius uxoris filie dicte defuncte executorem in eodem Testamento nominati, Quibus commisa fuit Adminstraco bonorum Jurimm et Creditorum dicto defuncte de bene et fideliter Administrando &c ad sancto dei Evangelia Jurat &c
Quinto die Junii 1614
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