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Sunday, February 16, 2014

Russia Dock Woodland after the gales

Today was such an incongruously divine day, in the overall context of the storms and gales that we have come to expect recently, that I couldn't wait to get out and breathe in some fresh air and enjoy the sunshine.  

Sadly, the gales had taken their toll and there were several fallen trees and a lot of fallen branches and twigs.  The one that has fallen across the main access from Waterman's Walk to Globe Pond is causing the most obvious difficulties (the photograph at top left), with families lifting bicyles across it in order to use the path, but other obstructions are less troublesome.  Judging by the number of official looking people surveying them, they are clearly being dealt with and everything else looked very well manicured, and it all sparkled in the sun.  

There were snowdrops and crocuses, even some early violets and lots of new shoots. Lovely. The yellow flag water irises are going to be amazing this year, particularly as all the water channels are absolutely full at the moment.  And the moss is running riot, forming bright lime-green carpets.  The blackbirds were busy excavating the leaf fall, and a woodpecker was giving a tree some serious grief behind the Downtown pond.  There were lots of people out enjoying the day, and it was good to see everything coming back to life after the battering it has taken over the last weeks.  In spite of the dire weather recently, today did hold the promise of Spring.  It was just so marvelous to get out of the house!

Displaying my usual lack of basic common sense I went out in brand new pure-white trainers, and returned with a distinctly sad pair of mud-black trainers.   It was distinctly sludgy underfoot! 


  1. Nice photos, but you forgot to post the one of the trainers!

  2. Laughing! I wish I'd thought of it because they are in such a dire state that they were probably quite photogenic. I let them dry out, brushed them off and then chucked them in the washing machine.


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