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Monday, October 21, 2013

The Albion Street Old Library - Petition to prevent demolition

I was completely unaware that there were formal plans to demolish the old Albion Street library, although it is anything but a surprise. The decision has not yet been made, but Fiona Colley will seek approval of this plan on a cabinet meeting on Tuesday 22nd October 2013.

Local residents have started a petition (have a look below) and and would like to encourage more people to sign. Just 500 signatures are required to ensure that the issue will be discussed at a Cabinet meeting.  Sadly, the petition was only put up on Friday night, so there had not been much opportunity for people to spread the message.

You are welcome to pass this on to people you know would be interested to sign, and please do Tweet and blog as you deem appropriate.

Call To Action

Stop the demolition of the former Albion Street Library, Rotherhithe, southeast London.

Support Sublime Magazine's Campaign by signing the e-petition:

We need just 500 signatures to stop Southwark Council’s plan to demolish the Old Rotherhithe Library, and to encourage them to consider the Sublime Foundation’s proposal for transforming the building into a centre for sustainability and social enterprise.

Although we all agree that more housing in London is needed, the community in this street disagree with this decision, fundamentally because it does not to tackle the real problem they face: the perception of their neighbourhood as undesirable and unsafe.

Our vision for the building is to develop the first Sustainability and Research Community Centre in London, a hub that will take a lead in the regeneration of the area, inspiring it to become a pioneering eco-neighbourhood. The centre will aim to set a new standard for city living and act as an exemplar for other urban communities to follow.

As well as engaging the local community by creating jobs and improving the perception of this neglected area, the centre will attract national and international interest by implementing unique sustainability projects such as research into renewable energy, environmental design and the delivery of education on sustainable practices. It will promote local skills and manufacture, support social enterprise and media-training activities for local young people.

Help us to advance the lifelong learning of skills and values required for lasting social transformation by taking action now.

How can you help?

1. Sign the e-petition today:
2. Forward this link to your friends and family
3. If you are interested in playing a part in the project, register your interest: or email us at

1 comment:

  1. Damian Santamaria27/10/13 21:35

    WE JUST NEED 200 more signatures. 303 people have signed!!!. Sign the e-petition today!! Next cabinet meeting is 19 of October


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