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Wednesday, October 4, 2017

A great night at the Docklands History Group

Enormous thanks to the Docklands History Group ( for inviting me to speak tonight at the Museum of London Docklands. My subject was the last days of clipper ships and the end of shipbuilding on the Thames.

What a wonderful set of people! I was very nervous about being an amateur on the subject amongst people with serious expertise in this field, but they were so nice and welcoming and I had a really good time. As I have a real fear of public speaking, which has been hard to conquer, the fact that I enjoyed myself is really saying something. Super, super people. 

If you are interested in the history of the maritime London, you might be interested in this group, which meets on the first Wednesday of every month, with each lecture lasting approximately an hour. You might also want to check out group member Peter Stone's new book "The History of the Port of London: A Vast Emporium of All Nations."